Monday, April 23, 2012

      Valentine's Day is one of those holidays where the gift can make or break the day. My sweetheart made the day great with this homemade edible fruit arrangement.   It became a date when he brought the supplies home and made it right there for me while I watched in shock and awe.  Who knew a man could make something so cute and thoughtful?

Here is how he did it:

1. Start by making each of the "flowers"
  • The grape "flowers" are made by placing 3 grapes on a bamboo skewer.
  • The strawberry "flowers" are also made by placing a strawberry on a skewer (wouldn't it be great to dip the strawberries in chocolate first?  I'll suggest that for next year.)
  • The pineapple "flowers" are made by cutting a pineapple into round rings and cutting out a flower shape with a cookie cutter like this one:



  • Poke the pineapple flower onto a skewer and use a melon baller to cut a ball out of a cantelope.  Place the melon ball in the center to form a flower. 


2. Now, stuff a few pieces of green tissue paper into the glass vase.

3. Follow that by placing parsley in the vase for a filler.

4. Next, place your "flowers" where you want them in the arrangement. 

 5. Last, tie a bow, and viola- a beautiful, homemade edible flower arrangement!

Ladies, you may want to start dropping hints now for next year.

Note: we enjoyed the arrangement for a couple of days and then ate the fruit dipped in sour cream and brown sugar. 


At May 1, 2012 at 8:45 AM , Blogger Small Fry and Co. said...

Jill, I love the idea of this blog and you do have one creative husband.

At May 1, 2012 at 9:01 AM , Blogger Liz Odle said...

Okay tell "your sweetheart" to teach his brother some of his techniques!


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